Writing from Philadelphia on January 7, 1776, Mr. Whipple informed Mr. Josiah Bartlett; "This year, my Friend, is big with mighty events. Nothing less than the fate of America depends on the virtue of her sons, and if they have not virtue enough to support the most Glorious Cause ever human beings were engaged in, they don't deserve the blessings of Freedom."
Writing from Philadelphia on January 7, 1776, Mr. Whipple informed Mr. Josiah Bartlett; "This year, my Friend, is big with mighty events. Nothing less than the fate of America depends on the virtue of her sons, and if they have not virtue enough to support the most Glorious Cause ever human beings were engaged in, they don't deserve the blessings of Freedom."
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk YES!!!!!!!!!
Massive double dog updoot!!!