Always very thankful for those men who signed their life potentially away, some of which were my ancestors. They were also Catholic so they were already hated lol.
There is an interesting fact that makes my town special regarding the Constitution, Bill of Rights, & Articles of Confederation but I can't share it or you'll know where I live ?
If you happen to figure it out, please don't share.
If we want to keep these freedoms and have generations of the future remember us for keeping those freedoms for them, we must follow the footsteps of the founding fathers.
God bless Patriots
We owe those 56 everything.
Always very thankful for those men who signed their life potentially away, some of which were my ancestors. They were also Catholic so they were already hated lol.
There is an interesting fact that makes my town special regarding the Constitution, Bill of Rights, & Articles of Confederation but I can't share it or you'll know where I live ?
If you happen to figure it out, please don't share.
We don’t want to know where the marker is or antifa, BLM, or SJW will take it down
God bless both you and Jovan for Posting this!
Where is this marker located?
We know better than to post it here. Solve the puzzle and you'll know.
If we want to keep these freedoms and have generations of the future remember us for keeping those freedoms for them, we must follow the footsteps of the founding fathers.
What an inspiring headstone. Every military graveyard should have something like this to honor our first patriots.