Breaking: DePerno 'Maricopa breach on 11/3 hidden by Maricopa Board and Katie Hobbs'
Tail end of Bannon's War Room just now.
Also, seems AZ Senate is holding onto the ballots. Why? Could they now be criminal evidence?
AZ Insider pede here: I made another post yesterday about one of the guys that worked the election drawing my attention to the fact that the ballots had moved and hadn't been given back yet. He was hinting this was really important but wouldn't say why.
The more I think on it, the more it makes sense that the ballots are now evidence in a criminal case. If they show significant discrepancies, then handing them back over to Maricopa County would be insane. They will just have two security guards fall asleep while someone breaks in and burns them all up.
Agree. Can't let the ballots "Epstein" themselves via spontaneous combustion or similar mishap.