Start with 9/11 and possibly Loose Change docu's. Once people can wrap their minds around govt, military, corp execs had their part in killing of its own citizens and that it could be hidden from complete disclosure due to all being compartmentalized, then they can start to wake up to lifetimes of lies.
Then remind him of JFK. He was probably alive during another one of these World changing "conspiracies"
Start with 9/11 and possibly Loose Change docu's. Once people can wrap their minds around govt, military, corp execs had their part in killing of its own citizens and that it could be hidden from complete disclosure due to all being compartmentalized, then they can start to wake up to lifetimes of lies. Then remind him of JFK. He was probably alive during another one of these World changing "conspiracies"
Once Reptilians are brought up, you lose ME too
This is a good one: (31 seconds).