When asked why his predictions were so accurate he responded by saying that unlike the other big pollsters, he does not work for "a client." Right there on CNN for everyone to hear and yet the sheeple will not listen.
Everyone who works in the business of public opinion from the media to the pollsters to the politicians understands the game and how it is played.
This applies to other corrupt industries like pharma and finance too. Everyone from the key actors in the regulatory agencies up top down to the entry level wholesalers at the very bottom know it's all a racket. Best red pill for holdout normies might be encouraging them to go get a job so they can see how things work!
Polls were meant to influence you, not to give you information. Remember Hillary's 90% leads, lol.
Totally agree that polls were meant to influence. Also, and more importantly, the polls are designed to condition normies to the planned fraud before it is perpetuated. Great interview with an honest pollster, Robert Cahaly, with Trafalgar group (10 mins). https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2020/10/31/the-outlier-pollster-who-called-2016-for-trump-says-hell-win-again.cnn&ved=2ahUKEwjWnaGlg9HxAhVUsZ4KHcGwDekQtwJ6BAgDEAI&usg=AOvVaw1Bf-GpLVEnhJW0HIgyrleT
When asked why his predictions were so accurate he responded by saying that unlike the other big pollsters, he does not work for "a client." Right there on CNN for everyone to hear and yet the sheeple will not listen.
Everyone who works in the business of public opinion from the media to the pollsters to the politicians understands the game and how it is played.
This applies to other corrupt industries like pharma and finance too. Everyone from the key actors in the regulatory agencies up top down to the entry level wholesalers at the very bottom know it's all a racket. Best red pill for holdout normies might be encouraging them to go get a job so they can see how things work!
The Left's most used tool: Gaslighting.
People need to trust their eyes, instincts and common sense. Look at the rallies for Trump and Biden. Trump won by a lot.