Remember what Krugman said? That the people didn’t have anything interesting to say to each other and the Internet would just be as relevant as fax machines. I think that was the part they didn’t predict. They think people are all useless stupid brainwashed eaters and wage-slaves. And that’s all partially true, but that’s not ALL people are. People are more complex than that, and their lives are full of detail and nuance and all sorts of fascinating levels of expertise. And I think the globalists couldn’t fathom that they weren’t as superior as they thought. That some dude in his basement doing speed-runs of Super Mario Bros. could be as interesting on the Internet as whatever propped-up Rothschild celebrity they wanted to manufacture and market to us. Then this expanded even further with YouTube and user-generated content. I don’t think these elitist snobs ever thought that a dude broadcasting on his webcam in his kitchen against a cheap green screen could attract millions more viewers than a corporate late-night comedy hack like Stephen Colbert. They thought the audience was there for the production value and the famous faces, but really the content is what matters. And people just want the truth.
I always remember in the movie Men In Black, Tommy Lee Jone's character says "People are stupid. A person is smart". I think that's very true. Many are collectively dumb because we oppress ourselves to blend with the masses, but as an individual humans are quite brilliant.
The DS didn't factor that in. The internet is an individual experience where you can find the collective that matches your views.
Remember what Krugman said? That the people didn’t have anything interesting to say to each other and the Internet would just be as relevant as fax machines. I think that was the part they didn’t predict. They think people are all useless stupid brainwashed eaters and wage-slaves. And that’s all partially true, but that’s not ALL people are. People are more complex than that, and their lives are full of detail and nuance and all sorts of fascinating levels of expertise. And I think the globalists couldn’t fathom that they weren’t as superior as they thought. That some dude in his basement doing speed-runs of Super Mario Bros. could be as interesting on the Internet as whatever propped-up Rothschild celebrity they wanted to manufacture and market to us. Then this expanded even further with YouTube and user-generated content. I don’t think these elitist snobs ever thought that a dude broadcasting on his webcam in his kitchen against a cheap green screen could attract millions more viewers than a corporate late-night comedy hack like Stephen Colbert. They thought the audience was there for the production value and the famous faces, but really the content is what matters. And people just want the truth.
I always remember in the movie Men In Black, Tommy Lee Jone's character says "People are stupid. A person is smart". I think that's very true. Many are collectively dumb because we oppress ourselves to blend with the masses, but as an individual humans are quite brilliant.
The DS didn't factor that in. The internet is an individual experience where you can find the collective that matches your views.