I think there's a lot more meaning in that statement than people realize.
When Q mentions knowing the enemy's playbook, I believe that's what they've crafted their plan around.
Q told us that the cabal had a 16 year plan to destroy America (2008-2024) and we ruined that plan by installing Trump into the WH (they never thought she would lose). I think they're still sticking to that 16 year plan, only now they've had to accelerate things. I believe that Q team created their own 16 year plan. A 16 year plan to destroy America vs a 16 year plan to save it. There is a deadline for the cabal, a fixed date they are sticking to likely for occult reasons, whereas Q is not. Which is why Q says "symbolism will be their downfall". A lot of their decisions will be influenced by occult symbolism, but even that is something that we've stolen from them. We have our own symbolism with Q and the number 17. They don't just hate Q/17 for being the arbiters of their eventual destruction, they also hate the symbolism behind it. It's a great offense to their occult beliefs. It's like walking into a Satanic temple with a bible in hand. It infuriates them that we're beating them even at their own symbolism game. Just look at how well known (and accepted) Q is around the world?
A lot of people are under the impression that Trump is still secretly President. I believe what's really going on is that Q and Q+ have created their own Deep State. They're running things from the shadows while Biden is in the WH. Everything ((they)) tried, the Q team are trying themselves and doing it even better.
Look at some of the things POTUS has done over the years. He took 'Fake News' from them and turned it into his own catchphrase. 'The Great Lie' was another term he took from them. I believe 'The Great Reset' will be another. It doesn't take too many clues to know that Q+ is running his own Deep State, except it's not an illegal one.
We've essentially flipped the script on them. ((They)) were in the shadows interfering with Trump throughout his entire presidency and giving him hell. Well, now it's Trump's turn. Now ((they)) are forced into the light and can no longer hide themselves or their true intentions and now Trump Team are on the offensive with the election audits, the legislation being passed like 2A sanctuary laws and voting laws as well as the recently announced class action lawsuit against their big tech puppets. But because a lot of what's being done is being done by Trump's 'Deep State' in the shadows, they cannot draw too much attention to it. They cannot expose Trump's team the same way they were exposed, as it would force them to admit that Q is real and that Trump is really in control, putting themselves into a corner. No matter what they do, being on the defensive right now will only make them look insane to the normies and further help redpill them. Even a lot of TDS infected people are agreeing with Trump's class action lawsuit as the big tech giants' actions are impossible to defend.
Now let me rewind a bit and go back to the Great Reset. I think we can all assume that white hats were behind the GME situation, which makes me think they will be planning the Great Reset themselves. Their own version of it. It adds a bit more context to Q's "gonna bring this whole diseased corrupt temple down on your heads." Just look at the slogan that Trump is now using on his Presidential statements -- "SAVE AMERICA". I think part of the plan is for an economic crash, an end to the FED once and for all and a return to the gold standard. If all of this happens under Biden's term orchestrated by white hats, they will be forced to attack the very thing they themselves believe in. The way ((they)) like to operate is by accusing the enemy of something they themselves are guilty of. But the way the white hats/Q team like to roll is by exposing the cabal's hypocrisy and using their own tactics against them. The cabal cannot tell people that Trump has his own Deep State as they will be forced to admit that it's not an insane conspiracy theory after all. They cannot attack the Great Reset, something they've pushed for so many years, until the white hats themselves create it. And now they're finally getting a taste of their own medicine with Trump's team being on the offensive and they can no longer use the excuse of "Orange Man is attacking his political enemies to stay in office." Hence why they're panicking and resorting to talking about UFO's. They've got no ammo left as they weren't prepared for this battle. They weren't prepared to have their plan essentially hijacked and all their tactics used against them.
The 'plan' is like a game of chess where we have a countermove to every move the cabal makes, except the white hats have trapped the enemy long ago and no matter what move they make, it's checkmate for us. As for when this all ends, all I can say is that it won't go on any longer than 2024, as that was the original deadline for the 16 year plan. Either side will have to win before then, not after. Which further highlights that the plan is NOT relying on Trump running in 2024. Even if that were to be the case, Biden could just as easily suspend the 2024 elections because of some bullshit new covid 'variant' just as Trudeau suspended the elections in Canada. So to sum it up, this WILL end before 2024, not after.
I do believe a lot will be done while Biden/Harris is in office. Trump's lawsuits, Trump's new social media platform, the Voter ID laws, the audits, covid being exposed as a lie, God knows what else. All of this will help wake more and more people up while having the added benefit of good optics, as none of it can be blamed on a 'tyrannical President (orange man bad!) abusing power' if that President is not actually in the White House. I'm not sure how long Biden/Harris will be in the WH, but it's clear that the plan did in fact rely on them being in 'power' for a limited time. Even Q has hinted as much in multiple Q posts. If I were a betting man, I would say early-mid 2022 Trump will be reinstated after Dementia Joe has done enough to redpill the country and the white hats have done enough behind the scenes to prepare for the final stage -- the clean-up stage.
tl;dr -- Cabal has a 16 year plan to destroy America, white hats have a 16 year plan to save it. Cabal had their own deep state, white hats have their own now as well. Cabal planned for a Great Reset, white hats and patriots will create our own Great Reset. Cabal calls the election 'conspiracy' the Great Lie, white hats will prove the election itself is the Great Lie through exposing fraud with the audits. Cabal has their big social media platforms, we will soon have our own. Cabal has their symbolism, we have Q and 17. Cabal was planning mass arrests and purging patriots (think FEMA and coffins) with Hillary in power, white hats will carry out mass arrests and purging Satanists. Cabal called independent journalists 'Fake News', white hats exposed mainstream news as Fake News. Cabal used the internet to brainwash and enslave people, white hats used it to wake people up. We've been using their own plan against them, and we will use their own deadline against them i.e. 2024. America will be saved by 2024 vs will be destroyed by 2024.
Nice post. I for one believe GA win is in the white hat hands and putting out posts like this to give hints and placate the wary.
Yes, something is coming a massive turn in the economy is coming, it has to happen to bring the white hat reset gold standard economy.
So whether you think I am right about whether this post is a controlled narrative or not, GET READY, buy rice and beans, it is always the poor that will suffer when there is a change of guard.