Tesla has an 8 year warranty on the pack for degradation to 70%. That doesn't mean you have to replace it after 8 years. That doesn't even mean you have to replace it if it hits 70%, just that your range is lower.
The limit for charge/discharge depends on how fast and how extreme you're (dis)charging the battery. So how are people doing on average? For the model S/X the trendline is above 90% capacity at 150,000 miles.
Every 8 years or max'd out charge/discharge cycles....for almost the price of a new car!
It's not that simple
Tesla has an 8 year warranty on the pack for degradation to 70%. That doesn't mean you have to replace it after 8 years. That doesn't even mean you have to replace it if it hits 70%, just that your range is lower.
The limit for charge/discharge depends on how fast and how extreme you're (dis)charging the battery. So how are people doing on average? For the model S/X the trendline is above 90% capacity at 150,000 miles.
I'll keep my gasoline car that keeps the same fuel economy and range for 20 years+ thank you.
Yessir! Some people will nelieve anything for feels.