posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +66 / -0

TheStormHasArrived17, [09.07.21 19:22] [Forwarded from The Kate Awakening Channel] I’m not here to tell anybody who to follow, but y’all understand how infiltration works, right? I see some of you saying “I know this person says x, y, z that’s problematic, but they also post really great info so I still follow them.”

Let me ask you something, do you hide poison in a dog turd, or do you hide it in a juicy, red apple?

That’s the point.


Infiltrators are of course going to dazzle you with some good info. They’re going to prey on those who are still emotionally attached to needing to hear what they want to hear, despite there being little to no substance behind their claims.

They’ll claim to be an insider or connected to insiders to gain your trust, give themselves authority, and acquire a large following.

Then you’ll see one of the following tactics or a combination:

They repeatedly make hopium-filled assertions that literally never pan out to keep you coming back and living in a perpetual flux of hope, then disappointment (maybe the best way to eventually break someone’s hope for good)

They “suddenly” turn on Trump, Flynn, or the movement itself and try to get you to get angry, give up, and black pill along with them

They start targeting specific races, religions, or promoting violence to give the MSM fodder to paint us all as dangerous bigots

An obvious smear job is obvious. Glow harder, dummies. 😂

Some of you know this but continue to follow them for the “bits of good info” or “to keep an eye on them” but your follow lends to their credibility. I think we need to be careful with what we co-sign or consent to. That juicy, red apple might be delicious and full of nutrients, but it will also make you sick. Just keep your eyes peeled and stay frosty, my friends! ♥️