Banned, blocked, denied access to big tech, maybe. But not receded. The groups themselves may not be on Fakebook now but I see and recognize many fellow believers working to redpill folks all over the place on FB.
MORE anons today than there were two years ago, I guarantee it. We are each in our separate places, but that's good. WE are less targetable, less naive than we once were. We're bigger than BLM, bigger than Anonymous, bigger than U.S. Steel.
Three years ago on the golf course I discussed the criminality of the deep state going after President Trump with my brother and two of his buddies. They dismissed all my claims of FISA abuse, the Meuller probe, U1, Benghazi, how Obamamama built ISIS, the three letter agenicies all being criminals and a global cabal attempting to enslave the world..
I went golfing with those same three people yesterday for the first time since that day, and everyone of them agreed with everything I said including the things I added to the list like the luciferian pedophile death cult.
It's not even close now. Even Commiefornia has gone red, as proved by the election steal. Sometimes it feels lonely out here, but I try to remember: we've got the guns AND the numbers. Military (soldiers if not generals) ready to act at the snap of DJT's fingers; commie school teachers getting crushed nationwide; corrupt unions at their all time lowest influence; police starting to get the recognition and support they need from the law-abiding. If you live in the world of Big Tech screens, we're losing. If you live in the world, we are WINNING BIGLY.
Banned, blocked, denied access to big tech, maybe. But not receded. The groups themselves may not be on Fakebook now but I see and recognize many fellow believers working to redpill folks all over the place on FB.
MORE anons today than there were two years ago, I guarantee it. We are each in our separate places, but that's good. WE are less targetable, less naive than we once were. We're bigger than BLM, bigger than Anonymous, bigger than U.S. Steel.
Three years ago on the golf course I discussed the criminality of the deep state going after President Trump with my brother and two of his buddies. They dismissed all my claims of FISA abuse, the Meuller probe, U1, Benghazi, how Obamamama built ISIS, the three letter agenicies all being criminals and a global cabal attempting to enslave the world..
I went golfing with those same three people yesterday for the first time since that day, and everyone of them agreed with everything I said including the things I added to the list like the luciferian pedophile death cult.
Yes, people are waking up.
It's not even close now. Even Commiefornia has gone red, as proved by the election steal. Sometimes it feels lonely out here, but I try to remember: we've got the guns AND the numbers. Military (soldiers if not generals) ready to act at the snap of DJT's fingers; commie school teachers getting crushed nationwide; corrupt unions at their all time lowest influence; police starting to get the recognition and support they need from the law-abiding. If you live in the world of Big Tech screens, we're losing. If you live in the world, we are WINNING BIGLY.