The idea of working 5 days a week for 40+ hours just to make ends meet (for a lot of people) and not have time for kids/family/life in general seems like it's purposely designed that way.
A lot of people don't even have time to raise their kids or stay informed on current events and many spend their little free time on distractions like Netflix. This seems like exactly what the cabal wants... To keep us distracted and enslaved, have the government raise and educate our kids, as well as break up families. And now they want to raise taxes which would force people to work longer hours just to keep up.
You can call it capitalism all you want, but it reeks of corporate slavery. It feels cabal-influenced. What are your thoughts on this?
I wouldn't call it capitalism, but corporatism. In capitalism, the means of production bear the risk and cease to run operations when going bankrupt.
When you have easy money, it inevitably goes to unproductive endeavours, if money is sound and scarce, then jobs will go towards areas that are most productive, and prices would be anchored down, allowing savers to start saving for the future.