I. Dan Scavino tweets Donald Trump video at 11:40 PM = 23:40 MT = QD 1140 = Narrative shift coming in full force (re: rouge elements of US Gov take down of duly elected presidential candidate: DECLAS). Last words are “the *CANNON was ME.”
II. Mike Pompeo Sunday Scripture tweet 1:14 PM
= 13:14 MT = QD 1314 = picture of *CANNON = Future COMS OnReady (no way this isn’t all linked).
III. 1st words of video = “an Eye for an Eye” (Hammurabi’s Code) = my handle @I4NI2th4a2th
= an Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth
= Hammurabi’s q-deCodes (ANON) = Video = 25 sec = QD 25 = “Thank you ANONS.” (TY DAN!).
Page 2 = May 9 DELTAS (Δ) “PREDICT” the who/how/when/why’s of 2020 election fraud.
It’s ALL coming OUT. Deep State going DOWN!-
I see the cannon drop as a hat tip to the cannon salute that was given to Biden where he was signaled to be a foreign dignitary not a president... I was wondering who's idea it was to set up the cannons as an early sign to Patriots that its all according to plan, its like this is the answer to it
I. Dan Scavino tweets Donald Trump video at 11:40 PM = 23:40 MT = QD 1140 = Narrative shift coming in full force (re: rouge elements of US Gov take down of duly elected presidential candidate: DECLAS). Last words are “the *CANNON was ME.”
II. Mike Pompeo Sunday Scripture tweet 1:14 PM = 13:14 MT = QD 1314 = picture of *CANNON = Future COMS OnReady (no way this isn’t all linked).
III. 1st words of video = “an Eye for an Eye” (Hammurabi’s Code) = my handle @I4NI2th4a2th = an Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth = Hammurabi’s q-deCodes (ANON) = Video = 25 sec = QD 25 = “Thank you ANONS.” (TY DAN!).
Page 2 = May 9 DELTAS (Δ) “PREDICT” the who/how/when/why’s of 2020 election fraud.
We have EVERYTHING. We have EVERYONE. It’s ALL coming OUT. Deep State going DOWN!-
I see the cannon drop as a hat tip to the cannon salute that was given to Biden where he was signaled to be a foreign dignitary not a president... I was wondering who's idea it was to set up the cannons as an early sign to Patriots that its all according to plan, its like this is the answer to it
How can you be sure of the color?
Orthography failure. They mean rogue.
Thank you for your effort!