This comment just shocked me into realizing why this whole thing is taking "so long." We don't know the back and forth and kind of threats that are coming from the other side. "This is not a game" as Q has said. These are desperate, dangerous people.
Ive been shouting for 4 years that we are in the midst of a world war that involves every nation and every person in those nations.
War isnt clean. War isnt easy. We are fighting an entrenched enemy that is few in number but owns most of the worlds resources. There will be losses. We will not win every battle.
But we are winning. It will take time. Not every single person is safe. You can mitigate casualties but you can not eliminate them. Some losses are strategic. While it may seem cold to sacrifice a few it isnt without regret or purpose and the rewards are saving millions of others.
When we get to the other side I fully expect a new golden age for humanity. One that is durable and will last for eons. We are on the brink of becoming a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale but we must first defeat the evil that has infected us, that has enslaved us, since the beginning of our existence on earth. By any means necessary.
This comment just shocked me into realizing why this whole thing is taking "so long." We don't know the back and forth and kind of threats that are coming from the other side. "This is not a game" as Q has said. These are desperate, dangerous people.
Ive been shouting for 4 years that we are in the midst of a world war that involves every nation and every person in those nations.
War isnt clean. War isnt easy. We are fighting an entrenched enemy that is few in number but owns most of the worlds resources. There will be losses. We will not win every battle.
But we are winning. It will take time. Not every single person is safe. You can mitigate casualties but you can not eliminate them. Some losses are strategic. While it may seem cold to sacrifice a few it isnt without regret or purpose and the rewards are saving millions of others.
When we get to the other side I fully expect a new golden age for humanity. One that is durable and will last for eons. We are on the brink of becoming a Type 1 civilization on the Kardashev scale but we must first defeat the evil that has infected us, that has enslaved us, since the beginning of our existence on earth. By any means necessary.