Catholicism is the religion of the devil anyway. Too bad kids won’t get a better education but be glad they won’t be fooled by the indoctrination that is Catholicism!!!!’ Stay away from that shit friend.
I guess Q is a shill for calling out Freemasons and posting Archbishop Vigano's letter...oh and Flynn and Bannon are Catholic so they're shills, too huh?
Understand something, Vigano is an ‘OUTLIER’ in the Catholic Church. If Bannon and Flynn are then perhaps they too have escaped. I didn’t call out every person in the Catholic Church, I called out the Catholic Church itself and its teachings in general. Yes, a percentage may see through the ceremony and idolatry but a vast majority will not. The Catholic Church was the greatest opponent of the Bible being widely printed and disseminated in any language other than Latin. Why oh why would this have been the case? Use logic not emotion in your arguments.
My mother and stepdad are both. Catholic. And I find it very troubling how they worry and fret over the Pope. Layered in Gold. He is nothing to worship. It’s a sin too. Try and find a Pope on the Bible, doesn’t exist. No mention of it. So who is he? Why is he there? The religion is sound, the false idols around it, be careful. Only God is to be worshipped. No man among us should be. Not held to a higher standard than you or I.
Eloquent warning, fren. Catholic school may be properly politically aligned on some issues but it is a papist indoctrination ground. The worship of idols and false gods is unavoidable. Do not put your children in the position of being subjected to popish idolatry. You imperil their souls.
Well said. I was the product of K-12 catholic school and while I am happy that I received a very rigorous education curriculum, it wasn’t until some 20 years later that I actually opened and learned the Bible in a Baptist-style church. You would think that 12 years in that setting would equip you to understand the difference between salvation and death, but alas, that is the deception.
The only thing we are taught to worship is God, our heavenly father, not any statues or false gods. Every person who is a Catholic isn't evil. Some are, please do not lump us all together. Growing up, the nuns taught us so well, the Catholic Schools were at the very least one grade level higher in testing than the public schools.I think parents need to talk to the diocese to see if they will give them a break in tuition. May the Good Lord bless us all.
Catholicism is the religion of the devil anyway. Too bad kids won’t get a better education but be glad they won’t be fooled by the indoctrination that is Catholicism!!!!’ Stay away from that shit friend.
Spoken like a Freemason.
I guess Q is a shill for calling out Freemasons and posting Archbishop Vigano's letter...oh and Flynn and Bannon are Catholic so they're shills, too huh?
Understand something, Vigano is an ‘OUTLIER’ in the Catholic Church. If Bannon and Flynn are then perhaps they too have escaped. I didn’t call out every person in the Catholic Church, I called out the Catholic Church itself and its teachings in general. Yes, a percentage may see through the ceremony and idolatry but a vast majority will not. The Catholic Church was the greatest opponent of the Bible being widely printed and disseminated in any language other than Latin. Why oh why would this have been the case? Use logic not emotion in your arguments.
My mother and stepdad are both. Catholic. And I find it very troubling how they worry and fret over the Pope. Layered in Gold. He is nothing to worship. It’s a sin too. Try and find a Pope on the Bible, doesn’t exist. No mention of it. So who is he? Why is he there? The religion is sound, the false idols around it, be careful. Only God is to be worshipped. No man among us should be. Not held to a higher standard than you or I.
Eloquent warning, fren. Catholic school may be properly politically aligned on some issues but it is a papist indoctrination ground. The worship of idols and false gods is unavoidable. Do not put your children in the position of being subjected to popish idolatry. You imperil their souls.
Well said. I was the product of K-12 catholic school and while I am happy that I received a very rigorous education curriculum, it wasn’t until some 20 years later that I actually opened and learned the Bible in a Baptist-style church. You would think that 12 years in that setting would equip you to understand the difference between salvation and death, but alas, that is the deception.
The only thing we are taught to worship is God, our heavenly father, not any statues or false gods. Every person who is a Catholic isn't evil. Some are, please do not lump us all together. Growing up, the nuns taught us so well, the Catholic Schools were at the very least one grade level higher in testing than the public schools.I think parents need to talk to the diocese to see if they will give them a break in tuition. May the Good Lord bless us all.