Please do not put your children in a dangerous situation. Widespread lesbianism and child abuse perpetrated by nuns; more and more cases of child molestation by priests--can nothing convince you to please protect your children's physical safety?
In a lefty public school there are always a few righteous teachers. Pay attention. Find them and make sure they shepherd your children. They will be honored to serve.
We've not had a problem with lefty Catholics. We attend a traditional Latin mass parish and so far have had zero problems with perverts or pedophiles. The public school system, on the other hand, has tried to groom our children.
It seems you have a very important impetus to make a change to your children's schooling. I also detect that you believe you are powerless over these and other matters in your life. If you can't do anything, you may as well stop feeling bad about it. If you can, you ought to. The patriots aren't going to come save anyone, but they are available to work with to achieve great things.
You have made several statements to the effect that it would be nice if you were able to choose a teacher, or that you wish you had money to attend private school.
Please do not put your children in a dangerous situation. Widespread lesbianism and child abuse perpetrated by nuns; more and more cases of child molestation by priests--can nothing convince you to please protect your children's physical safety?
In a lefty public school there are always a few righteous teachers. Pay attention. Find them and make sure they shepherd your children. They will be honored to serve.
We do not get to choose our children's teachers.
We've not had a problem with lefty Catholics. We attend a traditional Latin mass parish and so far have had zero problems with perverts or pedophiles. The public school system, on the other hand, has tried to groom our children.
It seems you have a very important impetus to make a change to your children's schooling. I also detect that you believe you are powerless over these and other matters in your life. If you can't do anything, you may as well stop feeling bad about it. If you can, you ought to. The patriots aren't going to come save anyone, but they are available to work with to achieve great things.
What made you assume that?
You have made several statements to the effect that it would be nice if you were able to choose a teacher, or that you wish you had money to attend private school.