Socialism works only in Capitalist society, ergo the Swedish "social democracy" always lauded by the communists and the British NHS which the Brits think is top class. Socialism in a Socialist state always fails because they run out of people to tax to maintain their socialist agenda.
Re-read my comment. Socialism can be maintained if there is capitalist funding as happens in Britain and their NHS. Social democracy in Sweden has been maintained by an essentially capitalist society. Here in New Zealand we have a socialist government and a capitalist society (well at least 40%) who go to work every day and pay their taxes knowing that we are funding a socialist agenda. Take away the capitalism and the whole lot folds. Socialism is just communism with lipstick on.
With a proper diet and exercise rooted in Hollistic principles, doctors aren't really needed. That's why Rockefeller highjacked science, medicine, and the education system.
Socialized anything is always doomed to failure
Socialism works only in Capitalist society, ergo the Swedish "social democracy" always lauded by the communists and the British NHS which the Brits think is top class. Socialism in a Socialist state always fails because they run out of people to tax to maintain their socialist agenda.
socialism doesnt work period. its the precursor to communism every time. fuck outta here.
Re-read my comment. Socialism can be maintained if there is capitalist funding as happens in Britain and their NHS. Social democracy in Sweden has been maintained by an essentially capitalist society. Here in New Zealand we have a socialist government and a capitalist society (well at least 40%) who go to work every day and pay their taxes knowing that we are funding a socialist agenda. Take away the capitalism and the whole lot folds. Socialism is just communism with lipstick on.
oh i miss read your comment. yea socialism is ised to go capitalism to communism for sure
Completely unsustainable. People like to praise socialized medicine, until they have to use it.
God bless the Cuban people in their fight for freedom.
With a proper diet and exercise rooted in Hollistic principles, doctors aren't really needed. That's why Rockefeller highjacked science, medicine, and the education system.
Look no further than the V.A. to see just how bad "Socialized" anything actually works.
But hey, Cuba has near 100% literacy rates, right? Hahahahahahaha
this is huge. think the white hats have a play in this? Cuba may just get freedom after 50+ years of communism. Go Cubans!