Not only is it typical Leftist nonsense about how colleges discriminate against minorities, but it's also poorly written and contradicts its own reasoning. There's no way any doctoral committee read that thing without being paid off.
One example: the second sentence of the introduction reads, "The needs of the student population are often undeserved [sic], resulting in a student drop-out rate of almost one third. "
It should read: "The needs of the student population are often UNDERserved..." (emphasis mine). Was this thing even proofread?
Seriously, read "Dr" Jill's dissertation:
Not only is it typical Leftist nonsense about how colleges discriminate against minorities, but it's also poorly written and contradicts its own reasoning. There's no way any doctoral committee read that thing without being paid off.
One example: the second sentence of the introduction reads, "The needs of the student population are often undeserved [sic], resulting in a student drop-out rate of almost one third. "
It should read: "The needs of the student population are often UNDERserved..." (emphasis mine). Was this thing even proofread?