Out0fAmmo 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is why I'm not on here anymore, because most dissenting opinions are labeled as "dooming", despite what others might say.

The sad fact is that it has been one year since the most egregious and blatant election theft in history, and there have been zero arrests or notable legal action. The Arizona audit, for whatever reason, had a final report that was so tepid it's as if CNN was allowed to edit it. Most people, including nearly all of our political class, consider Biden to be a legitimate president. Our military acts as if he's legitimate, between enforcing "vaccine" mandates on troops and ramping up CRT-style training. Many people are losing jobs, getting kicked out of school, and generally being made into second-class citizens over "vaccine" hysteria.

And all the while, nothing happens.

Evergreen and the Suez blockage? Nothing. McAfee and the "file dump"? Nothing. Lindell's cyber symposium? Love the guy, but where were the much-advertised pcaps? Hell, remember when everyone was convinced that the 2020 Inauguration was an elaborate trap for the DS'ers, and Trump's silence around it was a sign that we had entered "ten days of darhkness" with martial law around the corner?

This site has a very short memory and, like X22report, reads way too far into everything and contorts it to fit the idea that "patriots are in control". This site has been going downhill ever since TheQStrategy got banned. These days it's like Facebook, with crappy "memes" (which are really just images with obnoxious top and bottom text in impact font like it's 2009) and news stories about low-hanging fruit like some teacher getting fired or a "Let's Go Brandon" chant at some Cabal-entertainment center.

I'm not a doomer. God is in control. God will win. I believe that the Cabal will fall and the traitors, pedophiles, and criminals will face justice. I believe that the US and the world will be restored onto a better path, at least for a little while (we still have the real end times at some point in the future). In the end we will win, but I'm not convinced that it will be through our corrupt military. It will be via some method that will make it obvious that God delivered us.

I'll see myself out.

Out0fAmmo 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's how this place is these days, it's really Facebook-lite at this point.

Out0fAmmo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Depends on your definition of "pollution". The problem with hydro is that all the good hydro sources are already tapped, and it can lead to significant ecology disruption.

The real clean energy is nuclear fission. We know how to do it, fuel can be reprocessed if you aren't using 1950's light-water tech, and nothing will beat its power-generated-per-acre-of-land ratio.

Out0fAmmo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The secret ingredient is crime.

by Uhtred
Out0fAmmo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Some people would rather die than admit that they made a mistake or were conned. It's why some cons go on for decades, ripping off people for thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, because the victims can't bring themselves to admit that they were duped.

Out0fAmmo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Back the Blue, huh? Remember that ultimately it's the cops who are enforcing all of these rules. Remember that next time Fox News tries to bait you with outrage over "defund the police".

by Quelle
Out0fAmmo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or they (the fake ones) go on HBO specials.

Out0fAmmo 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's trying way too hard to be edgy.

by BQnita
Out0fAmmo 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's an interesting book on this topic: The Shinar Directive (as in the plain of Shinar, where the Tower of Babel was built). The premise is that fallen angels (Nephilim) have been trying to create a superhuman army which they can "storm Heaven" with. The author asserts that anyone who accepts gene modification will no longer be fully human, and thus will no longer be a temple for God's spirit.

Out0fAmmo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some states/universities have actually required certain vaccinations for college admittance for years. Here's Texas, for example: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/college-requirements.aspx

by Quelle
Out0fAmmo 7 points ago +7 / -0

The paper seems really worn out, not freshly printed and immediately mailed. Also, the phrasing seems a bit off. It's too on-the-nose.

Out0fAmmo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone has a religion. We can't help it. The only question is, what do you worship? God? Mammon (money)? Acceptance/popularity? Celebrity culture? Science? Sports?

by Quelle
Out0fAmmo 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't think it's an actual debate, just a rhetorical question.

Out0fAmmo 4 points ago +4 / -0

But what if I told you that if Trump hadn't pushed the gene therapies, then we would still be in lockdown? Oh wait...

Out0fAmmo 5 points ago +5 / -0

BULLSHIT. I'm so tired of this "people have to die" narrative. There's always a better way. Many of the people suffering from gene therapy side effects have no idea that there's some secret war being fought around them. Look, I get that everyone on here is super-smart and enlightened and all that but the reality is that many people, even many good people who are pro-Trump, are still locked in media brainwashing and control. They take what they see on TV (Fox News) at face-value.

This is not like Iraq or Afghanistan or other real war zones where it's public knowledge that there's a war going on. I also reject that the gene therapy "conquered the fear of the virus"; the fear is still there, only now some people are leaning on the crutch of gene therapy. Nearly everyone around me is wearing a mask, "social distancing", cancelling gatherings, practically drinking hand sanitizer... and they're all "fully indoctrinated", I mean, "vaccinated". They're still living in a state of perpetual fear.

I think Trump made a bad call on this. That doesn't mean that I think he's a bad person or shouldn't be president or whatever. I just don't buy the 5D chess argument anymore. The scale of gene therapy death and injury is too large to shrug our shoulders at it and say, "oh well, war is hell".

Out0fAmmo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wow, the Flat-Earth shills are really making a showing in this thread.

Staying on topic, I don't trust Rand Paul ever since he certified a fraudulent election and (as far as I know) has never called for an audit of the election, even in his home state. This is just clickbait for the Fox News crowd, who love hearing strong talk (this person DESTROYS that person), but never seem bothered that there is zero followup or action following such words.

Out0fAmmo 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's hard to imagine anyone being in a relationship with that. She looks like a goblin.

Out0fAmmo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice 'Fox News' headline, assuming it's even true. How about impounding voting machines and evidence? Who cares about illegal aliens when our own people are selling us out?

Out0fAmmo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nothing is "free", we're paying for it through the slush fund that is IRS/treasury.

Out0fAmmo 0 points ago +3 / -3

Except that millions of unsuspecting people who are not "crazy libs" have taken it in good faith- some of them take Trump at his word.

I don't see how Trump will be able to justify his endorsement of the clot shot. The lockdown argument is a non-starter for two reasons:

  1. Lockdowns were already over or winding down in many places prior to vaccine rollout.

  2. Many places have since re-instituted "lockdowns", always blaming the "non-vaccinated" for it.

The "vaccines" have accomplished nothing except to deploy time bombs in the body of millions of innocent people.

Out0fAmmo 8 points ago +8 / -0

There's no needing for testing, because the tests are unreliable and have a very high false-positive rate.

There's no need for masks because they do not block viral particles (Notice how you can still smell food from across the room while wearing one?).

There's no need for a jab because there is no vaccine, only experimental gene therapy.

Ergo... don't even bother with "covid kits". If you're sick, stay home. If you're not sick, then who cares? I'm so tired of "sick until proven healthy" mindsets.

by Quelle
Out0fAmmo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look, the sad truth is that many, many Americans will NOT fight to "protect freedom". Most of us (speaking of the whole country, not this board) have complied with and even encouraged mask and vaccine mandates, and a thousand other small tyrannies and injustices. I would not count on a popular uprising because it should have happened by now.

by Quelle
Out0fAmmo 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a fantastic breakdown. You know how I know that NESARA is bunk? Because it reads like a fevered utopian fantasy that's half-hippie and half-Ron Paul. It mixes clear and legitimate fixes, like abolishing the Federal Reserve, with extremely vague and frankly far-Left ideas like "increase benefits to senior citizens". Don't even get me started on the promised Sci-Fi tech that smacks of New Age like "sonic healing".

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