I still think he is playing a role. If he didn’t play his part with the election, we wouldn’t have had this much awareness of the voter fraud.
Also I would rather have Pence as President (based on his work from 2017-2020) than other potential 2024 candidates who have more support... Nikki Haley, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden.
That's like saying "I feel bad for Hillary Clinton. If she didn't cheat, we wouldn't know she was cheating!"
Wake up, man. He's a Globalist stooge.
That’s like choosing between Moderna and Pfizer.
He is doing what he is told by the globalists. He contributed to the fraud certifying states who had questions.
Do you think he feels bad for you?
I feel bad that Pence isn't in Gitmo yet for his role in the fraudulent 2020 election (and colluding with foreign powers against the U.S.).
something I would expect someone with NYC in there name to say. I feel bad for Cosby, I would rather have him rape my daughter than any other potential rapist based on his ability to pay people off until the statute of limitations runs out.
Tell that to the little boys he's raped!
So Trump let a pedo be his VP? And speak at many of his rallies? Are we forgetting that millions of people wore TRUMP-PENCE shirts and voted for Pence as VP? I haven’t seen conclusive evidence yet when it comes to Pence.
That comment went well. /sarc
I will repeat the same phrase I replied to the text message I got asking for me to give money to Pence. FUCK PENCE
Remember this campaign sign that caused a bit of controversy? I think this is exactly what Trump was trying to say here:
I will NEVER feel sorry for a child rapist!!!
I am sure he feels bad too