About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
So you're gonna start wit insults and a poorly researched one at that? Does any of what I said suggest I'm a lefty? No. Don't be an ass.
I personally know of 2 people that died shortly after getting vaxxed and another who had to be air rushed to the hospital withing 72 hours of his 2nd dose because his brain started bleeding. Totally normal right? I'm sure many others in here could share stories of persons they know that have died from the vax as well. If you think that vax deaths aren't real then you must not get out much or have many friends IRL. Even the VAERS data (which is underreported) shows we've had mor vax related deaths than the number of US soldiers that died in the middle east.
Are you seriously taking the position that the vax hasn't hurt or killed anyone? Since you are making an assertion contrary to what we have data for (and many of us know of people personally that have died or been harmed) you need to prove that assertion that goes against all data points.
Ah the classic straw man. Crutch of the dishonest and those with poor argumentation. No, that is not my position, so quit attacking it and quit misrepresenting me. It's dishonest.
You also failed to answer the question of what option did Trump have in that situation. This is a war. He is the commander in chief. Sacrifices have to be made sadly. People die in war. Sometimes there's no choice and there's no avoiding it. Claiming that making a tough call that involves some people dying (when he did his best to point people the other direction) is illegal. What law specifically did Trump break by releasing a vax Fauci and all the Drs / scientists said was safe? None. The blame will fall on them and they can be removed from the chessboard soon.
You are also making the assertion that Trump forcing the DS and big pharma to push out the vax that they already had ready (and claimed worked) would somehow be illegal and implicate Trump with murder. Neither is true. If he mandated it then we'd be having a different conversation but he didn't. If he didn't release the vax when he did then the next admin would have delayed it and lockdowns and then made the vax mandatory. That was the original plan. Trump disrupted that.
No one I know is afraid of the virus or the vaccine. We know they are both bullshit. One is the flu and the other is trash that we won't put in our bodies. No fear, only freedom.
Okay. Thank you for your thoughts.
So you're going to make (pretty wild) assertions and not prove or defend those positions? Do you really believe people aren't being harmed by the vax or have died from it? Do you live in a rural area or something and just not know alot of people that got the jab? Maybe get out in the field and ask some people if they've lost any friends of fam after getting vaxxed because you are very wrong.
You keep avoiding my question "what option did Trump have in that situation?" which appears to be a gaping hole in your argument and you should address it.
I don't need an answer. You do.