You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16). This is not about the naive and easily manipuled sheep but about ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and their octopus of NGOs, Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, Big Pharma, the Mockingbird Media and the many other planners involved in this genocide who acted as saviors and they were committing the crime of the century..
Not sure about that, yet, but if they had not decided to rush this through to steal an election, they very likely could have used it successfully to realize the totalitarian NWO they so desperately want. They did not, and will not, achieve what they could have at another moment in time.
You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16). This is not about the naive and easily manipuled sheep but about ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and their octopus of NGOs, Fauci, Big Pharma, the Mockingbird Media and the many other planners Involved in this genocide.
I believe, and am hopeful, that it can and will be successfully litigated that mRNA genetic treatments have never meet the standard definition of a vaccine and, therefore, their liability protection is null and void, and these pharma corps will be sued into complete oblivion.
Wheat and Tares. ;)
You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16). This is not about the naive and easily manipuled sheep but about ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and their octopus of NGOs, Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, Big Pharma, the Mockingbird Media and the many other planners involved in this genocide who acted as saviors and they were committing the crime of the century..
Indeed, figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor grapes from brambles.
Or since Christ was crucified?
Not sure about that, yet, but if they had not decided to rush this through to steal an election, they very likely could have used it successfully to realize the totalitarian NWO they so desperately want. They did not, and will not, achieve what they could have at another moment in time.
You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16). This is not about the naive and easily manipuled sheep but about ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and their octopus of NGOs, Fauci, Big Pharma, the Mockingbird Media and the many other planners Involved in this genocide.
I must of missed something, was the toughest decision mentioned in a drop, or was it something recent?
thanks, and makes sense that he would have to make a comment like that, to get people to research and find out what’s in the vaccines.
I believe, and am hopeful, that it can and will be successfully litigated that mRNA genetic treatments have never meet the standard definition of a vaccine and, therefore, their liability protection is null and void, and these pharma corps will be sued into complete oblivion.
I am really beginning to believe that the side affects and deaths from vaccines will become so apparent it will be impossible to ignore.