Put in wartime terms, maybe we have already taken out their Air Force and Navy (powerful fact-based military assets) and now we are moving into the house-to-house combat where things get messy (emotional warfare).
These people will not be won over through argument or information. Rather, they need convincing that Q is the place to be and they'll be left out and ostracized if they don't follow.
I honestly don't know any sites at all that attempt to debunk Q content. I can name plenty of sites that have anti Q sentiment though.
Put in wartime terms, maybe we have already taken out their Air Force and Navy (powerful fact-based military assets) and now we are moving into the house-to-house combat where things get messy (emotional warfare).
These people will not be won over through argument or information. Rather, they need convincing that Q is the place to be and they'll be left out and ostracized if they don't follow.