My wife is Canadian and very very much wants to go visit her family as soon as the border opens.
She told me today she wants to get vaccinated so that when it opens she can go right away.
She doesn't completely believe all of this stuff... she thinks it's a bit looney tunes... but she has had some reservations about getting the vax this entire time.
But now that the opportunity to see her family is presenting itself... she is turning blind to the vax scam and is now wanting to get it.
Can you frens help me find some good, verified, that doesnt look like its conspiracy theories... articles... or videos... explaining very clearly the true risks of getting this vaccine? Specifically the parts about how it can transfer to others through close contact.
Thanks frens... I have been digging all day for things I have read over the months but I am drawing a total blank on the best items to ask her to please read before making her decision this soon.
Do you really think that data will persuade her? It seems you are indicating she knows about the vaxx scam and it's implications.
Or do you recognize that it is an emotional thing?
Emotions are never solved with better data. It is quite understandable she wants to visit her family. It comes down to her values and based on these values her norms.
Caring for family is a very strong value. The following of this value will take a price, not only for her, but also for you, to pay.
And because of this struggle inside of all of us, which is all to human, we tend to make decisions based not on rights and principle but on privilege and interest.
This is a very tough discussion and it will take a lot of love and patience to come to grips with it.
Say, she indeed would take one of the 4 vaxx jabs available. Now she will be confronted with side effects. These are numerous, so there is no telling what WILL happen. She may not even suffer from one. But let's say, she starts bleeding heavily. Could she imagine the horror she would feel?
Perhaps even, she may suffer from activated dormant viruses, or even neurlogical damage. Would she really feel happy about this?
And what if, by taking this vaxx, being around you, will proof for you to be disastrous? Would she be able to forgive herself?
How about nothing happens at this point in time, but later on, she will be very sick because a same partial type of virus comes along, one to which she has no immunity and defense because of that shitty jab, and you guys rack up a bill that takes years to pay, maybe even with an extra job.
From what you wrote, I would presume you already talked about this, right?
Some people are strong willed to the point of stupidity. And no REASON will turn the ship of course.
I talked to a friend who's parents live in Croatia. The care for family also runs very strong in her. After discussing this topic for a while and me being a total logical jerk after recognizing how important caring for family is, posing these what if's, I asked if her prospective jab acquiescence was based on guilt?
She was silent for 10 minutes. She looked tormented. Sh wanted to kill me. And then she blurted out: Why is that, dammit! I hate it!
Aha ..... guilt. A very powerful emotion hiding under a value of caring for family. This is what the ego does, playing games on us.
However, with this recognition a solution to her problem was found more easily without subjecting herself to the jab.