What triggered your personal awakening? When did yours happen? This is what is leading to the GREAT awakening.
Mine personally began in early 2010s being a curious person and digging around. The final straw that broke the camels back was the elections of 2016. That is what solidified these truths as big media and big government began their 4 year, relentless attacks. 2019 was the final nail in the coffin, the beginning of agenda 21...
Mine began with the third tower. None of my cohort here in Australia could quite remember that there was a third tower, but I Googled it to find it was called WTC7.
Well, the conspiracies around it seemed a little too out there for me to process, until I discovered Ron Paul and the R3VOLUTION. I then found myself on the Daily Paul forum, one of the spiritual predecessors of The Donald. As a truth-seeking website, Red Pills were being dropped left and right including the truth about 9/11 and WTC7 being a controlled demolition. I learned enough physics and remembered just enough about the events of that day to realise that some conspiracies were in fact real, and that the controlled demolition of the three towers was definitely my "pet conspiracy" (others included the Fed's manipulation of currency).
Once Ron Paul was blocked out of the RNC and ended his last presidential campaign for 2012, I ended up lingering on the Daily Paul. Then in 2015, Ron Paul's son Rand Paul announced his run, and then Trump announced his run, splitting the community into two fervent camps. Unwilling to oversee a struggle for succession, and deciding that the Ron Paul Era had drawn to a close, the owner decided it was time to shut down the servers so that everyone could move on.
After this I quit looking at US politics, because I was disgusted and disillusioned by how the establishment had stonewalled Ron Paul, and I didn't know whether to support Rand Paul or Donald Trump, both of whom I'd liked, and I had life to focus on here in Australia anyway. Much of what I saw afterwards about Trump was therefore filtered through the lens of the MSM. Fortunately, knowing how the MSM mistreated Ron Paul, and seeing how crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrat machine seemed to be even on the surface (I had yet to delve deep into the DS), I remained skeptical about what the MSM was saying. I had a rule that whatever the MSM was saying, the opposite was likely true. Thus, when Donald Trump won the election, I was elated, even when others around me dreaded the news.
Although I maintained privately that Trump was a genius, I stayed away from US political news until the 2020 election cycle, when I really began to look at Trump and joined TDW and decided, unwisely with incomplete information, to go "all in" with a bet on a Trump victory.
Then I watched in horror as I watched night time Australian Time, I saw numbers flip in a way that should not have been possible. It was then that my Awakening really began.