Thanks Anons.
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Some wins the past few little while (sorry for the lack of links, hopefully this will helps WinsAnon catch up though! ... maybe someone else can fill in the links with these prompts?):
Greece, France, Cuba, and even Iran are rising up against their respective governments ... u/zen10101 compiled a bunch of cities/Tweets for the France protests here
Wisconsin is calling for an audit
Jen Psaki implicates herself as a potential 'hostile' witness for Trump's Big Tech lawsuits, given that she is now publicly instructing Big Tech about the 'misinformation' censorship the Biden admin wants to be taken care of
To no one's surprise, a federal prosecutor delayed Hunter Biden probe to 'not incluence the 2020 (s)election', see here
Biden's race-based farmers program gets struck down by a third judge
MSM & Big Tech is in panic mode over AZ audit, giving it the silent treatment, calling the Cyber Ninjas frauds, saying that 'not much fraud was found', pulling out all of the stops
AZ state senate calling for electors to be recalled
Jovan Pulitzer states that more is to come in regards to the AZ audit (e.g., we only got an appetizer)
Judge strikes down DACA
Another example of Ivermectin working really well, what a shocker ... see here
Michigan senate repeals Whitmer's emergancy powers
Tucker Carlson finally speaks about election fraud, runs a segment on Georgia Fulton county (might pre-date the day WinsAnon left for vacation, I've lost track of the days)
Spanish court rules that their first lockdown was unconstitutional (might pre-date WinsAnon vacation leave date, by one day, or, was just the day of or after he left)
Not really a win, given the implications for high vaxxed countries, but, worth sharing. The fifteen European countries with the lowest vaxx rates have by far the lowest COVID cases in Europe
Another sort of but not really a win. UK report comes out, dated as the end of June 2021 if I recall correctly (but just making news here now), which showed that the vaxxed were the ones taking the brunt of their latest COVID 'wave'
u/20-guage compiles this huge bank of CRT resources , which is an updated version of this thread
u/20-guage compiles a large list of anti-mask, anti-vaxx lawyers
u/purkiss80 compiles another 'what is happening?' thread (ought to help people catch up)
u/Puncake150 's Extra Wins of The Day, from yesterday, is here