We all know that POTUS pushed the vaccine to foil the plans of the DS, force the EUA vaxx classification, and to save us from five years of lockdown, etc.
In this interview, Robert Malone may unknowingly be revealing the reason behind the reason for Operation Warp Speed?
Dr. Robert Malone is a vaccinologist who is credited with inventing the mRNA technique. He is a true believer, but is data-based. Here he discusses bioethics:
My fear has been with rushing this through, we would end up with problems. How can you not end up with problems if you cut corners and rush these things, particularly the safety issues? What would happen to the entire vaccine enterprise and pediatric vaccines, the fundamental bedrocks of public health.
But what if this validates what [anti-vaxxers] they’re saying about pharma and the FDA and the government playing fast and loose with lives with vaccines? I’m having people write me saying, “I’m not going to vaccinate my kids anymore. I can’t believe in this, this whole enterprise.”
There was an interesting statistic I heard the other day on the Highwire when I was interviewed there. The baseline self-identified anti-vaxxer historically has been about 3 per cent of the population. According to them in the latest survey, it has bumped up to 40 per cent of the population self-identifying as anti-vaxxer.
(emphasis mine)
Not only does the vaccine throw a monkey wrench into the DS' plans. Pushed to the precipice, it destroys big pharma, the medical-industrial complex, the media, and the D party. It opens the door to hidden cures and treatments. All the things Q told us would happen. Trump indeed had to make the toughest decision in his life.
Q posts (h/t @PowderRoomPolitics):
Q 777 -- Big pharma & cures
Why is Big Pharma essential? Expand your thinking past cures.
Q 4306 -- CDC fudging CV numbers
Attorney Kent Heckenlively, who wrote the book Plague of Corruption which featured an introduction by Judy Mikovits and a forward by Robert F Kennedy, what did he say about Trump and vaccines? That makes this all the more poetic.
I don't know. Do tell. Are you referring to what Heckenlively or what RFK wrote?
Heckenlively on a blog called The Bolen Report. I was just name dropping to show that he travels in circles that would know the inside story. RFK was going to be on Trump's vaccine Commission.
What Heckenlively, who founded The Age of Autism group, said was Barron was hit bad with a vax reaction and Melania took him to Switzerland to get him detoxed and set right again. This pisses people off, but I don't know why. Vax damage doesn't always mean retarded. My daughter has vax damage and isn't retarded ffs. Trump has criticized the mega vax schedule with a passion that makes me think he knows. Most boomers don't.
Ah, good stuff. Thanks.