It's not the router logs that matter they can be shot over to any logging server, it is the router comfig that is important ESPECIALLY where the static routes for the traffic to and from the dominion machines.
Coolness. I played with RedHat & Gnu. I was in Saudi and had a 35 or so diskette ver of Novell 3.12. I built a server and a few clients, had all the books & testing docs & studied hard. Passed first time but for me the success was doing it myself. Got a few other DoD ISS/IA certs. I remember MS trying to keep up with Novell. I studied NT Server but never went for certification.
If/when those Router traffic logs surface then International collusion will erupt. Chyna. Should be their demise & hopefully not ours.
It's not the router logs that matter they can be shot over to any logging server, it is the router comfig that is important ESPECIALLY where the static routes for the traffic to and from the dominion machines.
You’re right, I’m 20 years rusty. Gotta go dust-off my old Novell Cert...
It was either novell or win 3.51 back in the day, so I went with hp/ux ^_^
Coolness. I played with RedHat & Gnu. I was in Saudi and had a 35 or so diskette ver of Novell 3.12. I built a server and a few clients, had all the books & testing docs & studied hard. Passed first time but for me the success was doing it myself. Got a few other DoD ISS/IA certs. I remember MS trying to keep up with Novell. I studied NT Server but never went for certification.