Whenever I've had the flu shot in the past, they always asked me if I had any family history of GBS and also it was on the disclosure paper I signed. So I don't think it's new info for the flu shot at least, unless it was a California specific thing here.
Almost sounds like they are trying to normalize the side effects of the mRNA jab.
That's nothing new. Also taking aspirin while having the flu can lead to another nasty reaction, Reyes syndrome.
They keep spelling polio wrong.
There were numerous cases of Guillain-Barre after the swine flu shots in 1976.
Trying to make us think all vaccines have risk and the jab is no worse than any other jab. Not true, though.
Whenever I've had the flu shot in the past, they always asked me if I had any family history of GBS and also it was on the disclosure paper I signed. So I don't think it's new info for the flu shot at least, unless it was a California specific thing here.
This post should be stickied!