posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +400 / -1

COVID didn't end because the pedos in power decided it was safe. The restrictions are ending worldwide because people aren't complying. In fact, in some places, they're already doubling down as they regroup for their next attack.

The reality is, no one in media is going to broadcast our victory. There isn't going to be a long apology from CNN, MSDNC, Fox or anyone except independent media. If anything they will be kicking and screaming the whole time. We MIGHT hear the mutters of apologies as they are held accountable, but that's it. All we are going to get is media obstruction like we did the first four years. It's not going to end unless they have their credentials stripped or worse.

So stay tuned here and with other independent media and always remember that just because MSM fags don't acknowledge it, doesn't mean we aren't winning. In fact, their silence says much more than if they came on the air and tried to excuse it, which they will here shortly. Once they admit that the Dems cheated and try to explain why they are okay with it, then we'll know what's happening next. But at no point are they going to admit they were wrong.