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She was a molester as well, and it wasn’t just fully developed 16-17 year olds that could pass for a grown adult. It was 14-15 year olds that still have the look of a developing child.
It’s not even just about the sex. It was about the power. Never forget these people are jews and royalty, and their victims were predominantly European genetic white girls. This is not an accident. It’s a message.
They get off on flaunting their rape and abuse of white children. That’s the rush. It’s symbolic. It’s the same pathology that drives them to push our boys into becoming trannies.
You have to put yourself into the mind of these degenerate filthy fucking jews. They don’t think like us. They view everything in life through the lens of their Jewishness. They are pathologically insecure about it. They are smart enough to realize that genetically, they are inferior to whites in most ways except for IQ, and it enrages them.
There is no better high for a Jew than molesting a white blond Nordic looking child. That’s the rush. The sex itself is secondary to the need to destroy the innocence of white children.
So just to clarify, you're not referring to ALL Jews, there's a specific sect that is evil, correct?
It is all Jews. Think about it. They put their Jewishness first above everything.
If there was ever a law enforcement group that came out and said, “look, there is this group of parasitic Jews that is preying on white children because they are white, but it’s only this small group” what would all the other Jews say?
They would instantly step up to protect the small group and call everyone anti-Semitic, even though they know it to be true. That’s just how they think. It’s not even a question. If it comes down to calling out pedophilia, or protecting other Jews, what come first?
This is the same rhetorical question as the FBI or CIA. Of course at an individual level, 99.999% of Jewish people are not psychopathic pedophiles. But as a group, they absolutely will stand together with the pedophiles if it comes down to it.
Their first allegiance will always be to other Jews and Israel. Always. Which would be fine, if they stayed in fucking Israel.
Their greatest fear is white people standing together in solidarity together like they do.