Pedophilia cannot be cured. Pedophiles should be executed. You are calling it a psychiatric disorder which would imply you think it can be treated when it cannot. Then you have the nerve to gaslight the guy who calls you out on it. That is not acceptable behavior, at all.
Murderous urges, are not a crime, murder is. Only murderers should be punished. Thoughts of violence is a psychiatric disorder, which implies one is a crime, and the other is a thought crime. Then you have the nerve to try and gaslight me, a guy who is now calling you out on that action. That is not acceptable behavior, at all.
Go find the definition of the word you are using. Keep looking until you find one that fits the definition you assume it means. You won't be back. Because it doesn't exist.
We don't prosecute or execute people for thoughtcrimes. Only actual criminal actions.
Which again, was not the point. The point being further down the comment thread, one which you are INTENTIONALLY ignoring, to try and gain leverage on a parent comment. Because you don't care about the truth, you only care about winning. Does that sound like someone you wish to be?
"With men this is impossible but with God all things are possible."
Only the Lord can fix such a sickness but He can do so. He isn't called the Great Physician for nothing. Is God a liar?
That said, there's no defending such heinous actions but you need to think twice before you act out of vengeance. Is killing a pedo worth going to prison for life, losing your family, friends and freedom worth it? It's not for the chomo's well-being but yours.
Get where you're coming from, unless the accusations against him for child rape and plotting to assassinate Trump are true.
Pedos have really no good purpose in life and should die a painful death.
Pedophilia cannot be cured. Pedophiles should be executed. You are calling it a psychiatric disorder which would imply you think it can be treated when it cannot. Then you have the nerve to gaslight the guy who calls you out on it. That is not acceptable behavior, at all.
Murderous urges, are not a crime, murder is. Only murderers should be punished. Thoughts of violence is a psychiatric disorder, which implies one is a crime, and the other is a thought crime. Then you have the nerve to try and gaslight me, a guy who is now calling you out on that action. That is not acceptable behavior, at all.
Go find the definition of the word you are using. Keep looking until you find one that fits the definition you assume it means. You won't be back. Because it doesn't exist.
We don't prosecute or execute people for thoughtcrimes. Only actual criminal actions.
Which again, was not the point. The point being further down the comment thread, one which you are INTENTIONALLY ignoring, to try and gain leverage on a parent comment. Because you don't care about the truth, you only care about winning. Does that sound like someone you wish to be?
Can't be cured? Yeah, I don't know about that.
"With men this is impossible but with God all things are possible."
Only the Lord can fix such a sickness but He can do so. He isn't called the Great Physician for nothing. Is God a liar?
That said, there's no defending such heinous actions but you need to think twice before you act out of vengeance. Is killing a pedo worth going to prison for life, losing your family, friends and freedom worth it? It's not for the chomo's well-being but yours.