That sound exactly like the kind of libtarded thing their "fact" checkers would say too. "70,000+ fraudulent ballots do not count as 'widespread' fraud, because they were all confined to an area smaller than 1% of the land mass of the USA. ChEcKmAtE DrUmPhTaRdS!"
I agree. They should insist on more audits to prove themselves correct!
Err, sorry, that's real logic, not clown world logic.
Sometimes I forget which world I live in. Maybe we should get rid of the clowns (aka the C_A) and our entire world would stop being clown world. It would be nice to go back to real logic. I miss it.
That was 70k from just one small part. I bet the total is going to be upwards of half a million questionable ballots. From one county.
You did touch upon an interesting point though. When they say "widespread is not proven", and they say it with a mocking tone, it implies disproven. Its a common method for disinformation that can help show the fraud in the "debunkers".
The Maricopa county forensic audit only shows evidence of fraud in Maricopa County, not in all of AZ, therefore it's not widespread.
See. Fact checking is so simple anyone can do it!
That sound exactly like the kind of libtarded thing their "fact" checkers would say too. "70,000+ fraudulent ballots do not count as 'widespread' fraud, because they were all confined to an area smaller than 1% of the land mass of the USA. ChEcKmAtE DrUmPhTaRdS!"
9.5 on the twist, 1.5 on the landing.
Sounds like a challenge, tbh. Let's have more audits, then, and see just how widespread it is. If we're wrong, l invite them to mock us.
I agree. They should insist on more audits to prove themselves correct!
Err, sorry, that's real logic, not clown world logic.
Sometimes I forget which world I live in. Maybe we should get rid of the clowns (aka the C_A) and our entire world would stop being clown world. It would be nice to go back to real logic. I miss it.
That was 70k from just one small part. I bet the total is going to be upwards of half a million questionable ballots. From one county.
You did touch upon an interesting point though. When they say "widespread is not proven", and they say it with a mocking tone, it implies disproven. Its a common method for disinformation that can help show the fraud in the "debunkers".
If you don't even look, it never happened.
People who say, "Ostriches don't really hide their head in the sand" have never looked at peoplestriches.
So widespread in Maricopa? Extrapolating it out is acceptable.