posted ago by KickingPugilist ago by KickingPugilist +77 / -0

I like precious metals. Went on a buying spree of gold chains for good rates. I was amassing quite a collection and decided to start pulling the trigger and selling some for decent margins to recoup some of my spending. I hate selling but I can always go right back to buying more. Anyway, onto my point.

I posted on facebook (i know, i know, fuck me) and got a message from someone interested. Turns out he lived very close. Called me, we talked really quickly about weight, purity, price. Dude was prepared and had his own scale and acid test to verify (hah trust but verify).

I walked over. And mind you I live in one of the most proudly blue areas of the country. My brother came with me and had a mask hanging from his ear since he didnt know how the other person would react (like I said..proudly blue area)

I can't be bothered so I went naked face. As soon as the dude saw my brother he chuckled and said, "Don't wear that shit man, you gonna suffocate yourself. Nah man fuck that, Fauci emails came out, that shits useless."

I felt a little bad for my brother getting a bit roasted but I was thrilled to see that. The media and social media hacks will spin their hypnosis machines on full throttle, but don't believe for a second that the common man and woman isn't seeing past the bs. At least more than people have been.

On the conspiracy win, on the other hand, someone was saying how Q is a deepstate psyop and to look at how Jan 6 turned out (I guess he thinks a "Qanon Shaman" soeaks for the Q community). I pointed him to John Sullivan and some of thenother people photographed were also filmed at BLM and Antifa protests/riots...and that trump extended his speech- to the point of repeating himself a lot just to avoid being involved and any real supporter stayed to be with Trump.

Idk where I'm going with this anymore, so I'll cut this off here xD