Just so you know: there is no such thing as "Qanon". I quoted it above only because I was quoting the media.
This was covered by Q.
Might wanna actually read Q posts.
Q followers if you prefer.
On the subject of LARPS: the entire media is a LARP. And most of them don't even know what the term means.
Agreed, but that doesn't contradict my point. Can you honestly say you haven't heard somebody who agrees with Q(or thinks they do) who quoted Q posts in a way that made you (at the very least) a little bit embarrassed for them?
I'm not saying you're bad people. You're not. But there are some Q followers who I can only describe as cuckoo for cocoa puffs, and they make the lot of you look nuts.
Sometimes people post in a Q-esque manner. But no. It doesn't overly bother me. Deceptive Deep State CIA agents working within the media to craft a false narrative bother me. Cabal operatives working within government bother me. Deceived liberals who have been evangelized and weaponized by Cabal-controlled media bother me. Satanic pedophile elitists who traffic, rape, and murder children bother me.
I guess our standards differ greatly. People being a bit silly just don't rate.
I see what you mean, I'm just saying it makes it hard to take Q and associated followers seriously. Some of them may be glowies or evangelicals as you put it, and I wont deny it, but I guess what I'm saying is Q attracts as many evangelicals of their own, and it's something you gotta be aware of and understand if you want to be taken seriously.
Q followers if you prefer.
Agreed, but that doesn't contradict my point. Can you honestly say you haven't heard somebody who agrees with Q(or thinks they do) who quoted Q posts in a way that made you (at the very least) a little bit embarrassed for them?
I'm not saying you're bad people. You're not. But there are some Q followers who I can only describe as cuckoo for cocoa puffs, and they make the lot of you look nuts.
Sometimes people post in a Q-esque manner. But no. It doesn't overly bother me. Deceptive Deep State CIA agents working within the media to craft a false narrative bother me. Cabal operatives working within government bother me. Deceived liberals who have been evangelized and weaponized by Cabal-controlled media bother me. Satanic pedophile elitists who traffic, rape, and murder children bother me.
I guess our standards differ greatly. People being a bit silly just don't rate.
I see what you mean, I'm just saying it makes it hard to take Q and associated followers seriously. Some of them may be glowies or evangelicals as you put it, and I wont deny it, but I guess what I'm saying is Q attracts as many evangelicals of their own, and it's something you gotta be aware of and understand if you want to be taken seriously.