Well go to the VAERS website for reporting adverse effects of vax. This is the page I pulled up by selecting covid19 as the vax and next section choosing "yes" under "died?". https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php
Edit" forgot to add that VAERS is just the reported effects of the vax. From my understanding it only includes about 1/5 of the actual adverse events and man go unreported.
I'm not defending anything but I'm telling you, 4.5 million deaths would be impossible to hide. I'm not saying its not happening, because honestly I TRULY believe the deadly batches of shots are targeted intentionally. Have to be. I've been inquiring here where I live HAAARRRRDDD and no one I know, and no one anyone I know, knows anyone who died from the shot. I know of plenty of people that got fucked up for a week or two (including a shit load of active duty military), but not deaths. Not even from the coof.
It's like I'm living in some fucked up weird bubble where all this shit is happening, but not to anyone I know ... or anyone who I know knows, and I have close friends all over the US - BUT mostly in RED states. Targeted ... fucking has to be.
It's not a "fucked up bubble"...it's called the media illusion. I have a feeling it is all screenplay and 99% of covid deaths and 99% of covid vax deaths are fake.
Well go to the VAERS website for reporting adverse effects of vax. This is the page I pulled up by selecting covid19 as the vax and next section choosing "yes" under "died?". https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php
Edit" forgot to add that VAERS is just the reported effects of the vax. From my understanding it only includes about 1/5 of the actual adverse events and man go unreported.
I'm not defending anything but I'm telling you, 4.5 million deaths would be impossible to hide. I'm not saying its not happening, because honestly I TRULY believe the deadly batches of shots are targeted intentionally. Have to be. I've been inquiring here where I live HAAARRRRDDD and no one I know, and no one anyone I know, knows anyone who died from the shot. I know of plenty of people that got fucked up for a week or two (including a shit load of active duty military), but not deaths. Not even from the coof.
It's like I'm living in some fucked up weird bubble where all this shit is happening, but not to anyone I know ... or anyone who I know knows, and I have close friends all over the US - BUT mostly in RED states. Targeted ... fucking has to be.
It's not a "fucked up bubble"...it's called the media illusion. I have a feeling it is all screenplay and 99% of covid deaths and 99% of covid vax deaths are fake.
I'm inclined to agree with you.