Who do you think the invasive brain-interface tech is being tested on? Experimental gene therapies? Mind control VR?
And who do you think has a vested interest in this inhumane testing, to bring it to America as a fresh new product/service? Elite wealthy western billionaires and globalists. That's how they did the Gain of Function research, which got banned in America, to develop the deadly novel spike proteins over to America. It's how they do the R&D, they sneak off to China when America wants them to stop.
When they slap the brain interface on you and you wonder how they got it working so perfectly...remind yourself that some Uighurs were sacrificed for a worthless human enslaving technology.
So yes, it's "alliance activity", the alliance of technocratic elites who want people enslaved with technology.
Who do you think the invasive brain-interface tech is being tested on? Experimental gene therapies? Mind control VR?
And who do you think has a vested interest in this inhumane testing, to bring it to America as a fresh new product/service? Elite wealthy western billionaires and globalists. That's how they did the Gain of Function research, which got banned in America, to develop the deadly novel spike proteins over to America. It's how they do the R&D, they sneak off to China when America wants them to stop.
When they slap the brain interface on you and you wonder how they got it working so perfectly...remind yourself that some Uighurs were sacrificed for a worthless human enslaving technology.
So yes, it's "alliance activity", the alliance of technocratic elites who want people enslaved with technology.