"Do you genuinely trust the same institution to give you a jab that would have you pay $100k~ to stitch up your finger?"
Another one.
"People say experts can do no wrong. How many experts who paid $100k~ in tuition do you know that did it to benefit the people and not because of societal pressures, the prestige, or the big salary?"
Follow up, I guess.
"It's been proven that in corporate environments, there's a demonstrably disproportionate number of psychopaths who occupy positions of power. What makes you so sure the people on tv aren't one of these?"
Um, that was three questions...just saying.
I like the first on the best.
I was on a roll, man. Let me live my life.
Lol...you got it. Far be it for me to stop the hard hitting questions. Keep it up!
I truly do like the first one a lot. Might use it on a friend of mine.
Sometimes, the path to greater learning comes from asking the small questions, not always from simply knowing the big answers. - ThiccusDickus.
Fyi fren, it's far be it 'from' me.
Could be, but not in my neck of the woods.