Oh, no way they didn't know. Don't the computers even have warnings when trying to go above the normalized dosages?
This was DS deliberate murder to make c19 bigger than it should have been. All to gain control, steal an election, and try to usurp control of humanity.
I got an HCQ prescription from speakwithanmd.com, the dose is 1 pill per day for 5 days and then 1 pill a week until the pandemic is over along with 1 (50 mg) zinc pill every day. This is the dosage for prevention.
It is disgusting that they knowingly killed people with lethal doses to get a cheap pill discredited. But it is even more disgusting that the medical community didn't speak up and those that did were silenced.
They wouldn't be able to get emergency authorization for the clot shot if there was an existing treatment. The lied about, and suppressed data about HCQ (& Ivermectin) so they could jab everyone full of their gene therapy. Part of me wants to believe this was all about $$ and kickbacks (a ten cent pill vs. Trillions in government money and a couple booster shots every year).... but the people pushing it the hardest are evil eugenisists and want to see humanity dead.
Sad thing is there is lots of research behind HCQ and Drs. should know the standard leathal dose beforehand so this can only be considered murder.
Oh, no way they didn't know. Don't the computers even have warnings when trying to go above the normalized dosages?
This was DS deliberate murder to make c19 bigger than it should have been. All to gain control, steal an election, and try to usurp control of humanity.
A common dose of HCQ is 300-600mg.
As a prevention for Malaria it is 310 mg ONCE A WEEK.
Take for 2 weeks before exposure and 4 weeks after exposure. Once a week.
They KNOWINGLY murdered people in this study to discredit HCQ. They gave them up to 2,400 mg a day!
I got an HCQ prescription from speakwithanmd.com, the dose is 1 pill per day for 5 days and then 1 pill a week until the pandemic is over along with 1 (50 mg) zinc pill every day. This is the dosage for prevention.
It is disgusting that they knowingly killed people with lethal doses to get a cheap pill discredited. But it is even more disgusting that the medical community didn't speak up and those that did were silenced.
Right? there are a lot of people taking that drug for autoimmune disorders, routinely. It's not like they wouldn't know or couldn't know, bastards.
They wouldn't be able to get emergency authorization for the clot shot if there was an existing treatment. The lied about, and suppressed data about HCQ (& Ivermectin) so they could jab everyone full of their gene therapy. Part of me wants to believe this was all about $$ and kickbacks (a ten cent pill vs. Trillions in government money and a couple booster shots every year).... but the people pushing it the hardest are evil eugenisists and want to see humanity dead.