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I really and truly believe this. I honestly think that there are probably roughly 10-20 million liberals spread out throughout the entire country. I know that seems like a lot, but in a nation of 340 million people that's only 2.9-5.8% of the population. The only reason is seems like there's more of them is because, like you pointed out, the Cabal amplifies their voice while suppressing any and all opposing opinions. When you have a couple thousand kool aid haired freaks screaming over the internet 24/7 while not allowing anyone with an opposing point of view to speak up, it makes it seem like they're bigger than they are.
I'm fairly certain when all is said and done, there MIGHT be like 4 or 5blue states left in the union. Vermont, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Maryland are the only states I can see being legit blue. Pretty much every other state is probably going to be a GOP super majority on every level. State, Local, and Federal, when all the Fraud is exposed and new elections to replace the traitors are held.
That depends how you define "liberals". There's probably not that many hardcore Leftists, except for stupid college kids and old hippies, but there's a lot of people that believe the MSM bullshit that Democrats just want to help people. They're not the majority, but there's a lot of sheep out there.
True, but there's less and less sheep every day. People are waking up more and more as the corruption keeps being exposed.
Amen, fren.