Regardless of how prestigious and "safe" you think your kids' school is, you should be aware that university students are the perfect "test subjects" for the pharmaceutical industry. I've been out of college just over 10 years now and I vividly remember getting a meningitis vaccine on campus my freshman year, yet the university has no record of my inoculation. This is troubling to say the least. Within days of receiving the "meningitis vaccine", I started to have digestive issues, which I continue to deal with to this day. While doctors will call this anecdotal (their favorite way of explaining away issues which develop seemingly out of nowhere), I've found others who face similar health issues who were also pressured to take the meningitis vaccine during this same period of time. Of course it's far too late for any of us to be compensated thanks to the government's terms.
Talk to your kids. Ask them if they're being pressured by the university to make abrupt healthcare decisions. Universities will do ANYTHING for big donors, especially when they are being told it's for public health!
Great post, thanks.
Also warn them away from credit card solicitors, Iif that's still a thing at modern schools. It was in my day.