No talking in Australia
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The problem is their guns were taken after the Port Author hoax and they have no free speech laws.
Australians are being fined $10,000 for not wearing a mask in public, including if you're driving in a car by yourself.
The Australian government is making anyone who questions them instantly homeless... for "their own good"... because of the sniffles.
Yeah, nah, way too much oversimplification.
That's not really where its at (even yet)
BTW, the fines don't stand up. Vicpol issued nutty fines to non-maskers or peeps travelling outside their designated zone (Yep, Stalinists be envious) but they wiped them all at the end of the year for the peeps that didn't pay them - why? because they would not and cannot stand up in court.
But masking in car is not part of the regulations bro.
Not defending, just clarifying. Cheers.
In SA they are: masks are mandatory for ANYONE leaving the house unless you fulfill certain exceptions and driving a car IS NOT one of them.
Hmmm. Seems ambiguous, but maybe. I mean, if you are in the car alone, are you still required to wear a mask. I guess in the absence of any direct statement that you aren't, it means yes.
Man, what do we do when the government itself is gaslighting the public? Unbelievable.