Right out of the Nazi playbook. 10 stages of Genocide. You KNOW they are winding up to this. "Unvaccinated are the problem, and the ones causing all the deaths!"
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Here is OZ (Australia) the right/left governments are all running the narrative and propaganda:
No one is safe until we're all safe
meaning, anyone who DOESN'T get the jab is endangering others who HAVE had the jab.
That's the line they will run in order to turn the cattle population against those that resist.
They WILL try this; right out of the Satanic playbook. Doesn't mean they will get there, but they are def running the playbook.
Note: Not a comment about the holocaust. Genocide has been conducted many times during the 20th century. Totalitarian regimes.
What about the millions of "white supremacist terrorists" that "stormed the capitol"?
They are the same ppl. to the left.
I have read proggies saying that Republicans are anti-vaxxers. WUT? Which Republican Party are they looking at?
Everyone they disagree with is a nazi white supremacist right wing extremist unvaccinated anti-vaxxer etc.
In Ireland the president signed a law (21st July) supporting medical apartheid
I fully approve of the typo (and everything else you said). At least anyone not aware of this shit by now has to be totally unaware of anything and everything else too. Then we just need to hope we have public opinion in big enough numbers to concern them.
Bojo and Sumac will at least have to go to their holiday holes in the UK now seeing as they're in isolation, maybe that was a white hat op, keep the sods in this country so they have to stay for the party if they announce kids vax's. Tremble in your palaces and country homes for your people have awoken.
Beginning of Mark!
Totally expecting this. We have already been banned from a group beach trip.
In Denmark we are already at stage 3.
It appears to me that Stages 1, 2, and 3 are running simultaneously atm.
I was going to ask if we could get a 'You are Here' arrow, but the bastards appear to be implementing all the stages at once.