Oh you poor naive soul. Haven't you heard? Surely you have? Perhaps you have forgotten? You see, there is an ancient rule. A rule older than humanity itself. A rule so foundational that some refer to it as the "11th commandment". Some even say that liberals are born with it carved into their subconscious - only to surface when the time is right.
Critical thinking would lead to cause and effect...
Oh you poor naive soul. Haven't you heard? Surely you have? Perhaps you have forgotten? You see, there is an ancient rule. A rule older than humanity itself. A rule so foundational that some refer to it as the "11th commandment". Some even say that liberals are born with it carved into their subconscious - only to surface when the time is right.
The rule is as follows:
"cOrRelAtIoN dOeS nOt EqUaL cAuSaTiOn"