6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
While we're all distracted by covid and "vaccines", they're trying to breach the firmament. To kill God?
Who is trying to breach the firmament? What are you referring to?
You might be interested in a project I'm starting.
Lots of people read the Bible....Very very very few comprehend it.... Those who do not, normally tend to think there is a Dome over the Planet, and that it is a Flat Earth.... They really do not get it that, when speaking of the Firmament that divides the waters, it specifically means the DIRT, or Earth, or Terra Firma, which is what we stand on, what the trees and Grasses grow from.... It divides the Waters of the Oceans, Seas, and Rivers, not only from each other, but also from the Waters of the Aquifers underneath....
But then, they also took their massive Que from Oblahblah, when he fully intended, and openly mocked them.... They believed he was serious, he wasn't, he simply mocked them.... And they deserve it....
HOSEQ : hmm ...
Lots of ways to interpret the Creation Hymn. I'm not sure anyone can untangle the facts given.
Light & darkness already divided from each other.
Waters divided by a firmament. Waters are now above and below the firmament. God calls the firmament "Heaven". (Sky/air? Or Heaven as we imagine it.)
Genesis 1:9 And God said, "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear": and it was so.
re: OP's last comment I don't think God is in danger of being killed. Firmament breached by humans? What does that mean -- if it's possible. Good Luck.
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
Ok, so lets think like Grown ups.... Waters, has two separate meanings....
~ Exoteric meaning Rivers, lakes, Seas, and Oceans, and also Aquifers.... Aquifers are underground masses of Fresh Water....
~ Esoteric meaning the Masses of Peoples... People as they respond to Opinion Leaders....
There are currently two types of "Water", at the most basic level... Salt Water, and Fresh Water..... Salt Water will kill you if you try to survive on it.... Fresh Water will kill all Salt Water Fauna if they are put into it...
What exactly separates Salt Water from Fresh Water??
Land Separates Salt Water and Fresh Water.... What type of Water do we get from the Aquifers?? Fresh Water... Where are the Aquifers?? Under Ground....
What is the Sky?? It is mainly AIR.... Why is it BLUE?? a. Because God Loves the U.S. Army Infantry....
b. Because it holds Fresh Water... i.e. Rain....
Do I need to explain the difference between Lakes, Rivers, Dams, and the Seas and Oceans?? One set is Fresh Water, and the other will KILL you if you drink it...
If you refuse to SEE the different Separations, it is not because it was not explained to you, it is because you are unwilling to see them....
There is no such thing as the Magical ""DOME"" that Flat Headers keep claiming is some few miles above the Earth.... The Firmament IS the Earth.... ""Heaven"" or ""Paradise"", BEFORE there were People on the Earth.... Once Populated, it was CHANGED, therefore the Name was changed....
This is my second time explaining this.... Will we be going after a third time??
In the Esoteric side of things, the Various Land Formations also Separate the various "Waters" or Peoples, from each other.... The Lands, or Firmament, create natural Land Barriers, which separate Languages, Customs, Heritage, Looks, Colors, Religious Beliefs, etc....
But Not Sex... There are and always have been ONLY Two types.... the third one, aka Hermaphrodites, is an anomaly, a Mutation, and is very very rare....
I am not a flat-earth believer. My reply may have put me into an ongoing argument. If this is true ... oops.
I have read your interpretation of the Creation Hymn carefully. Thank you. No need for a third explanation. Cheers.