I’ve been researching the origins of the Illuminati, and I have come across a book written in 1798!
It is rather difficult to read as the English is so old that it is different. (most of the “s’s” are replaced with “f’s”). Like “The Mafons fee an opportunity to impofe their influence where they can.”
I will continue to post here what I learn, if there is interest. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:
The writer of this book says he was a rose to the high ranks of the Masons, and was given a treasure trove of secret Illuminati writings.
He was shocked to learn how many people in high places were secretly engaged in this.
There have been secret societies, particularly the Mason, influencing world events and European revolutions since the middle ages.
The goal of these illuminati was to abolish religions from the earth, particularly Christianity and to overthrow all governments of Europe.
The Illuminati leaders disbelieve every word they publicly claim. Their goal is to turn the world into a wreck.
The illuminati can best control if the masses are effeminated and morally degraded.
Although the Illuminati had been operating for a while, in the 1770’s, Adam Weifhaupt, took this to the next level in defining its mission, principles, and establishing power and order.
These Illuminatis consisted of Jews, Jesuits, and leaders of Church of England.
The writer was shocked to see Illuminati documents full of abominations such as praising abortion and recipies to cause abortions.
The Illuminati liked to secretly dispense writings to people that told them how much happier they would be if they abandoned all morality.
The Illuminatis love their symbolism.
Please let me know if there is interest to post more later.
I read that also!! No sauce 😞