Also, maybe have them read a history book so they can learn that, actually Caucasian people have been the most enslaved race throughout history... This kind of thing is an embarrassment to intelligent black people...
Slavery in the US was predominantly from blacks selling blacks as slaves... Historically, it was a short-lived practice by DEMOCRATS to own slaves... Btw...there were white slaves too. And btw, blacks owned slaves too... The Republican Party was established to fight against slavery in the US... However, they ignore all other nationalities and races that were enslaved because....well, telling the truth would hurt their BLM narrative, wouldn’t it?...
I tend to feel a bit sorry for the ones pushing this agenda,(Not really) it’s almost an unfair debate, since clearly their intelligence level, & historical knowledge is severely lacking....
Let me put it this way..." South Africa, The only country where the uneducated burn down their Universities to get Free Education"...And I'm not making this shit
no black has ever been credited with inventing anything
no black has even ever been nominated for a Nobel Prize in education, literature, science or economics
no black person has ever been the head CEO of a Fortune 500 company
These things are institutionalized. It's certainly not us slugs that have allowed this to be the case. Blacks have been kept down by the elites since inception.
Outside of the tribes that RAN Africa, it's always been a slave nation. Egyptians, Persians, Romans, etc... ALL had black slaves.
You'd be surprised just how many people actually believe WHITE people just went over to Africa and rounded everyone up and said 'you're all slaves now'.
During the height of the slave trade in the USA, only 1 in 10,000 WHITE families owned a slave.
1 in 4 Jewish families owned slaves, however.
Didn't a WHITE person end slavey? Didn't WHITE people enter a civil war over the end of slavery?
How about, look into Africa over the last 10 years. Certain gov'ts have literally chased all the whites out. Look at those countries now.
Also, maybe have them read a history book so they can learn that, actually Caucasian people have been the most enslaved race throughout history... This kind of thing is an embarrassment to intelligent black people... Slavery in the US was predominantly from blacks selling blacks as slaves... Historically, it was a short-lived practice by DEMOCRATS to own slaves... Btw...there were white slaves too. And btw, blacks owned slaves too... The Republican Party was established to fight against slavery in the US... However, they ignore all other nationalities and races that were enslaved because....well, telling the truth would hurt their BLM narrative, wouldn’t it?... I tend to feel a bit sorry for the ones pushing this agenda,(Not really) it’s almost an unfair debate, since clearly their intelligence level, & historical knowledge is severely lacking....
Let me put it this way..." South Africa, The only country where the uneducated burn down their Universities to get Free Education"...And I'm not making this shit
These things are institutionalized. It's certainly not us slugs that have allowed this to be the case. Blacks have been kept down by the elites since inception.
Outside of the tribes that RAN Africa, it's always been a slave nation. Egyptians, Persians, Romans, etc... ALL had black slaves.
You'd be surprised just how many people actually believe WHITE people just went over to Africa and rounded everyone up and said 'you're all slaves now'.
During the height of the slave trade in the USA, only 1 in 10,000 WHITE families owned a slave. 1 in 4 Jewish families owned slaves, however.
Didn't a WHITE person end slavey? Didn't WHITE people enter a civil war over the end of slavery?
How about, look into Africa over the last 10 years. Certain gov'ts have literally chased all the whites out. Look at those countries now.
Who's REALLY keeping blacks down?