Yup! I don't think it a coincidence that I have had 4 people ranging from 50 to 57 in good shape die suddenly. Not family or close close friends but people I know and keep in contact with through racistbook. Not from accidents but from heart and aneurysms. Every single one of them got the death jab and a couple had put Not so nice comments on a post I posted about the jabs. They range from getting the Jab between 1 to 3 month before their death.
That's kind of what I am seeing as I look through the VAERS site though it's been stripped of many deaths. People think because they get through the first couple of weeks/months they'll be okay, not so it seems.
Yup! I don't think it a coincidence that I have had 4 people ranging from 50 to 57 in good shape die suddenly. Not family or close close friends but people I know and keep in contact with through racistbook. Not from accidents but from heart and aneurysms. Every single one of them got the death jab and a couple had put Not so nice comments on a post I posted about the jabs. They range from getting the Jab between 1 to 3 month before their death.
That's kind of what I am seeing as I look through the VAERS site though it's been stripped of many deaths. People think because they get through the first couple of weeks/months they'll be okay, not so it seems.
I've heard the 11-14 week period is the danger zone.
I'm curious if their is a common body fat ratio that if exceeded increase death chances or severe covid symptoms?