Mr GoingCamaro I agree with you 1000%. I came back 8 hrs later to actually reply to your comment on America becoming a Theocratic Nation. I agree wholeheartedly with your statement because the good 'ol USA has never been a Theocratic Christian nation. I do agree that some believe when this Pandemic, and the election fraud is exposed and when we are at peak Great Awakening that somehow this nation is gonna all bow down to the rightwing religious evangelicals, Conservative Catholics, Mormons and others and just start to attend church on Sunday and everything will be A'OK....that notion is far from the truth. I believe personally, my opinion and through historical fact that the USA was set up as a secular Republic, with a Constitution that has the Bill of Rights. The 1st Amendment to this Bill of Rights is:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
It says right there 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion' some say that that is only Congress not making a state religion. That is true, but it also means no religious laws or edicts on high from any religion. It also states as you know that there is no prohibiting the free exercise, meaning I can free exercise any religion, change religions, be non religious ect ect. The excuse is they say Congress is forbidden, but not the states. That was totally thrown out with the 14th amendment which forces the states to go by the Bill of Rights. Also if we were to become a theocracy, then the rest of the 1st amendment can be thrown out also. No freedom speech because religion, no rock concerts or movie halls because religion, no assembling unless approved by religious authority. You get my drift.
We need to drive home the fact that 1: The USA is not a Christian nation as far as the Constitution says, and 2: we are definitely not a Judeo-Christian nation because there wasn't hardly any Jews or Catholics at the beginning of the Republic and who the hell would want to live under Jewish laws or Cannon law.
Yep. And it's unfortunate that Christians don't see it that way. Which is ironic, because God wants you to choose Him... freely. It can't be forced. It can't be coerced or fear driven. I believe our country would be a very different place if Christians hadn't used shame or fear in the last century to increase numbers and fill pews. But because we raised a generation of forced believers by giving them a "choice" of going to church or getting a spanking and then going to church, we laid the groundwork for the resistance we see today.
Alright staying on topic, I believe Jefferson and other founders were right. This must be a nation of laws and limited government power to thrive. It cannot be influenced by any religion except those of said religions who use their beliefs to benefit the people as a whole. That has been my primary issue with Conservatism is if choosing between freedom or supporting religious ideals is on the line, they foolshily go with the latter and then surprise Pikachu face when leftists do the same, but with their own values... placing personal values over the freedoms of others is part of the reason we are in the mess we're in. Among other things. But if MAGA is going to succeed it must reduce and eliminate all corrupt influence from all sources. God may be good and you may be right, but even He doesn't agree with theocratic governments. He will set things the way He wants when He's ready to return. Until then, we must establish a nation that is free for all faiths and ideals to exist peacefully. Ideally something like the Byzantine Empire.
Mr GoingCamaro I agree with you 1000%. I came back 8 hrs later to actually reply to your comment on America becoming a Theocratic Nation. I agree wholeheartedly with your statement because the good 'ol USA has never been a Theocratic Christian nation. I do agree that some believe when this Pandemic, and the election fraud is exposed and when we are at peak Great Awakening that somehow this nation is gonna all bow down to the rightwing religious evangelicals, Conservative Catholics, Mormons and others and just start to attend church on Sunday and everything will be A'OK....that notion is far from the truth. I believe personally, my opinion and through historical fact that the USA was set up as a secular Republic, with a Constitution that has the Bill of Rights. The 1st Amendment to this Bill of Rights is:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
It says right there 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion' some say that that is only Congress not making a state religion. That is true, but it also means no religious laws or edicts on high from any religion. It also states as you know that there is no prohibiting the free exercise, meaning I can free exercise any religion, change religions, be non religious ect ect. The excuse is they say Congress is forbidden, but not the states. That was totally thrown out with the 14th amendment which forces the states to go by the Bill of Rights. Also if we were to become a theocracy, then the rest of the 1st amendment can be thrown out also. No freedom speech because religion, no rock concerts or movie halls because religion, no assembling unless approved by religious authority. You get my drift.
We need to drive home the fact that 1: The USA is not a Christian nation as far as the Constitution says, and 2: we are definitely not a Judeo-Christian nation because there wasn't hardly any Jews or Catholics at the beginning of the Republic and who the hell would want to live under Jewish laws or Cannon law.
Yep. And it's unfortunate that Christians don't see it that way. Which is ironic, because God wants you to choose Him... freely. It can't be forced. It can't be coerced or fear driven. I believe our country would be a very different place if Christians hadn't used shame or fear in the last century to increase numbers and fill pews. But because we raised a generation of forced believers by giving them a "choice" of going to church or getting a spanking and then going to church, we laid the groundwork for the resistance we see today.
Alright staying on topic, I believe Jefferson and other founders were right. This must be a nation of laws and limited government power to thrive. It cannot be influenced by any religion except those of said religions who use their beliefs to benefit the people as a whole. That has been my primary issue with Conservatism is if choosing between freedom or supporting religious ideals is on the line, they foolshily go with the latter and then surprise Pikachu face when leftists do the same, but with their own values... placing personal values over the freedoms of others is part of the reason we are in the mess we're in. Among other things. But if MAGA is going to succeed it must reduce and eliminate all corrupt influence from all sources. God may be good and you may be right, but even He doesn't agree with theocratic governments. He will set things the way He wants when He's ready to return. Until then, we must establish a nation that is free for all faiths and ideals to exist peacefully. Ideally something like the Byzantine Empire.