CDC Expectec to announce today that the vaccine doesn't work on Delta
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According to the Pfizer conference call that they had after releasing their earnings they have already created a vaccine that fights off the Delta variant.
Ok great delta is out. Next is the colombia variant. See the problem isnt the actual vax. Its the politicians forcing the vax on us and lying to us about its safety. Pizer, and moderna and j&j can make vaccines all they want. Its the politicians lining thier pockets that are the real problem here. If we threw every politician out the door, and the replacement said vax is no longer mandatory, then covid19 will fade away like a bad dream. Pharma companies do what they do best, make money. I dont fault them no matter how evil they are. Its buisness as usual. Before anyone wants my head for not blaming pharma companies, i want to be clear. Hang them like the rest. But can you fault the average criminal for robbing someone? They do what they do and thats it. They want to be crooks. Same with pharma, they rather kill people so they get rich. But if the politicians were no longer on their side, whonknowz what cures we could end up having.
Sorry i went on a tangent lol.