My comments may seem all over the place- but they come from 25 years of hard fought endurance. First, a woman has got to become aware of her biochemistry. It took me years to get my body straightened out. What food, caffeine, sugar, etc. do do a woman's hormones is ungodly. Women are walking around iron deficient, with fried adrenal glands (from stress and food), with screwed up thyroids--- I could go on and on; then they are expected to run everything and hold a full time job. It can't be done. The stress and the hormones try to rule over you. Second, humility and learning to both address issues objectively is a constant process- saying you're sorry and stepping out of emotions. Making extreme threats (WHICH IS YOUR CORE ISSUE RIGHT NOW) is what a woman does when she is trying to control a situation, and control is almost always motivated by fear- especially in a woman. You need to ask questions to understand what the fear or fears are. Then you can start to dissect and address what is underlying- instead of the surface threat. Third, it really, truly does take God to make life work. Praying with and over your wife is awkward, but miraculous. Or, if you need to start somewhere, just pray for her and tell her you are doing it. I'm going to take a stab and say that if you let her know you love her, care about her feelings, but want to lead your family into wisdom so it's important for you to weigh everything so you can protect them- that is respectable. Finally, if your wife took the jab.... this is some messed up psychology but bear with me..... she may think you taking it will make her likelihood of being okay more likely. That isn't logical, but it is the liberal mind's way: safety in numbers and social affirmation. If she thinks you believe she is in danger of deteriorating, she is more afraid it may be true. If you get v'ed, then maybe she'll be okay (is the mindset). That is also just fear talking. Denial is setting in. A lot of these people have to stay in denial because now that they have taken the v, they can't let themselves think they've been tricked and poisoned. I hope something I've shared helps you. Care for each other well- it's our burden and blessing in this life we walk together with our spouses. I will close with this: no one and I mean no one will EVER be more precious to me than my husband. In my darkest moments and with my cheapest threats I never really wanted to be without him. She may not be in a place to tell you that right now, so I told you for her.
My comments may seem all over the place- but they come from 25 years of hard fought endurance. First, a woman has got to become aware of her biochemistry. It took me years to get my body straightened out. What food, caffeine, sugar, etc. do do a woman's hormones is ungodly. Women are walking around iron deficient, with fried adrenal glands (from stress and food), with screwed up thyroids--- I could go on and on; then they are expected to run everything and hold a full time job. It can't be done. The stress and the hormones try to rule over you. Second, humility and learning to both address issues objectively is a constant process- saying you're sorry and stepping out of emotions. Making extreme threats (WHICH IS YOUR CORE ISSUE RIGHT NOW) is what a woman does when she is trying to control a situation, and control is almost always motivated by fear- especially in a woman. You need to ask questions to understand what the fear or fears are. Then you can start to dissect and address what is underlying- instead of the surface threat. Third, it really, truly does take God to make life work. Praying with and over your wife is awkward, but miraculous. Or, if you need to start somewhere, just pray for her and tell her you are doing it. I'm going to take a stab and say that if you let her know you love her, care about her feelings, but want to lead your family into wisdom so it's important for you to weigh everything so you can protect them- that is respectable. Finally, if your wife took the jab.... this is some messed up psychology but bear with me..... she may think you taking it will make her likelihood of being okay more likely. That isn't logical, but it is the liberal mind's way: safety in numbers and social affirmation. If she thinks you believe she is in danger of deteriorating, she is more afraid it may be true. If you get v'ed, then maybe she'll be okay (is the mindset). That is also just fear talking. Denial is setting in. A lot of these people have to stay in denial because now that they have taken the v, they can't let themselves think they've been tricked and poisoned. I hope something I've shared helps you. Care for each other well- it's our burden and blessing in this life we walk together with our spouses. I will close with this: no one and I mean no one will EVER be more precious to me than my husband. In my darkest moments and with my cheapest threats I never really wanted to be without him. She may not be in a place to tell you that right now, so I told you for her.
Thank you for sharing that. I truly appreciate it.